Men’s Bible Studies
Bible studies are held in homes around Tucson and are lead by Corazón Team Members. We offer three different types of Bible studies: Evangelistic Home Bible studies, Discipleship studies, and Leadership studies. Although couples may participate in Bible studies together, men most often study separately from women. All studies are offered in both English and Spanish at various points in time.MenofTruth

“Approximately 90% of non-believing men who attend one of these Bible studies accept Jesus Christ within one year.”

Men of Truth & Hombres en la Verdad Monthly Outreach

Monthly, men gather at the Corazón Ministries Outreach & Training Center to share a meal, participate in fellowship and hear a topical study about biblical principles. During these outreaches, men have the opportunity to share what they learned or what spoke to their hearts.

Men of Truth – Mike Alameda
Hombres en la Verdad – Enrique Garcia

Annual Men’s Outreach Retreat
Each year, men are invited to a fishing trip held at Hawley Lake in the White River Reservation in Arizona. They spend three funfilled days in May camping, fishing and participating in friendly competitions. Every retreat has a biblical theme which relates to the lives of men. Corazón Team Members share daily devotions including a Sunday worship service.

“I came to the retreat to catch fish and, instead, Jesus caught me!”
– Past Men’s Retreat Attender

One-on-One Mentorship
One-on-one mentorship happens when mature believers are matched with men who are seeking a deeper relationship with God. These meetings are centered around scriptures that challenge and encourage men to apply Biblical principles to their daily walk. Meetings are determined between the men and their personal schedules.